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No one could say that the word 'health' is synonymous with the word 'easy'.

Winnicott, 1967.

Probably the greatest suffering in the human universe is the suffering of healthy people. This is not generally recognized.

Winnicott, 1988.

Anxiety is a phenomenon present in all animals, which sometimes benefits us as well as harms us, depending on their circumstance or intensity, and may become pathological, that is; harmful to our psychic, mental and somatic (body) functioning.


When anxiety becomes pathological, we consider it a symptom.


However, it is necessary to understand whether the anxiety you are feeling now is really pathological:

- Does it cause significant suffering?

- Does it compromise any function of your body (e.g., do you have sleep change, constant irritations, etc.)?

- Has it influenced your feeling of "freedom" to the point that you get stuck to some sensations that prevent you from doing activities of everyday life?

- Has it been permanent in your way of being for some time or is it something momentary?


It is necessary to understand whether there is any specific external cause associated with this state, even if there is an occurrence of other associated comorbidity (depression, heart or hormonal problems) or whether it is something that concerns your personal psycho dynamic (your way of being).


Psychoanalysis sessions, because they are of a profound nature, are able to provide elements to map the origin of this anxiety and even the need to associate analytical treatment with other medical treatments.








Do you sometimes feel an intense escape reaction triggered by a very close danger, as if something threatened you at that moment and you had to react quickly to protect yourself?


Does this reaction cause intense emotions to the point of triggering various effects on your body (sweating, tachycardia, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of dying etc.)?


Surely you've experienced an episode of panic, or several maybe. It is important to know what this experience has to say about you and reasons behind, before simply trying to extinguish it from your life.


Psychoanalysis sessions, because they are of a profound nature, are able to provide elements to map the origin of those feelings, understanding their meaning, differentiating them from sensations of fear present in everyday life. In addition, I will be evaluated the need to associate psychoanalysis sessions with other medical treatments.



Depression is characterized as a mood disorder. Mood, in turn, is an emotional orientation that presents itself persistently, giving people a kind of "colorful".


It is important to differentiate a depressive episode, a depressive disorder and sadness. Currently there is a certain "pathologization", that is, use of pathologies or diseases to describe affections linked to daily phenomena. It's common for us to hear people say, "Today I woke up depressed" or "I think I'm going into depression" when they're actually going through a moment of sadness.


Sadness is the opposite of joy; it is a healthy and very human feeling that arises countless times throughout life. This is a sign that we are alive and that we are still able to be affected ourselves by experiences. Feel grateful to be able to grieve with every loss or frustration!


To find out if what you're feeling is a sadness of life, a depressive episode, or a depressive disorder (chronic depression), book an appointment with a psychoanalyst.


Psychoanalysis sessions, because they are of a profound nature, are able to provide elements to map the origin of this sadness, understand its intensity and even the need to associate psychoanalytical treatment with other medical treatments.

Career Counseling

Professional life is currently composed of a series of transitions being no longer as linear as in the past.

Frequent changes require professionals to constantly review their career.

This process understands your current career stage (including transition processes involving unemployment) and determines the next steps of your professional path: "Job change?", "Change of area within the same company?", "Promotion to a new function?", "Undertaking in your own business?" etc.


Vocational Guidance

Understanding your vocation to finally focus on a specific work area is a process that can occur at various stages of life.

Generally, this subject becomes more urgent during high school and it is at this stage that parents and students seek a vocational guidance service that assists the process of choosing a profession. However, the vocational guidance process can occur at various stages of life, whenever whom wants to explore the reasons for choice by a given profession and who knows, invest in new possibilities.


Techniques used in the Professional Guidance process:

- personal interviews

- psychological tests (personality, maturity scale, areas of interest)

- self-knowledge techniques

- immersion in socio-professional environment


How does the fee system work?

Unlike Psychoanalysis, in which there is no deadline for the process, the work of Career Counselling or Vocational Guidance is carried out with a given period, usually from 10 to 12 sessions (there may be variations) and the work begins through a work plan, appropriate to the current need of the client.


Who would hire this service?

Both companies that want to develop the potential of their leaders (directors, managers, coordinators and supervisors) and individuals (of different ages) who are seeking personal development.


Professional Counseling

Much has been talked about the Coaching process. Coaching is a technique used to develop specific skills in the professional field, helping people to understand their own potential. This technique can be used as one of the tools for the Professional Counseling process.


Professional Counseling is a more comprehensive process than Coaching, as it encompasses aspects related to vocation, career and making professional choices. After the initial interviews, the objectives are outlined and the best approach is determined, depending on the type of need:

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